Plus points for East Belgium – real location advantages

East Belgium has much to offer. The plus (+) points researched by our partner IHK (chamber of trade and commerce Eupen – Malmedy – St. Vith) speak clearly for the business location of East Belgium:
+ advantageous geographic location + excellent infrastructure + diverse education at high level + multi-language population + stable social peace + high quality of life.
These are decisive advantages characterizing “East Belgium as the Center of Business Activity”. We entrepreneurs would like to adopt these advantages to start our Web Portal Initiative “GoEast” with much optimism. “From entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs” and for all who care about the economic future of East Belgium.
Ideally located at the joint of the Roman and Germanic culture, in the heart of Europe, cosmopolitan, with an excellent infrastructure.
Great nature, self-evident hospitality, numerous sights and an excellent gastronomy…