Tourism office, communities and tourism associations in cooperation

The most important contacts for tourism in East Belgium will be happy to assist you.
In St.Vith:
Verkehrsamt der Ostkantone (VAO)
Mühlenbachstraße 2
B-4780 St.Vith
Tel.: +32 (0)80 22 76 64
Fax: +32 (0)80 22 65 39
Contact: Manfred Dahmen, geschäftsführender Direktor
In Malmedy:
Haus des Tourismus
Place Albert I 29 A
B-4960 Malmedy
Tel.: +32 (0)80 32 02 50
Fax: +32 (0)8077 05 88
In many East Belgian towns:
>> Tourist information offices - overview